
Holiday Skirt

This holiday skirt is SO super simple to make and it's super fast, too. I have full plans to make one for every holiday.

Pick out your favorite holiday print. You will need about 1/2 yard. You will also need 1/2" braided elastic. You could use 1/4", or any other size, just adjust your waist band size as needed.

You're basically making a large rectangle. Measure your daughter’s waist and double it. This will give you the length of the rectangle. If you'd like the skirt to be extra scrunched up, add a little more to it. To get your length, measure down from your daughter’s waist to the point you'd like the skirt to hit. You will need to add to that to allow for seams. Add 1/2" for the bottom and 1" for the top. Using a dressmaker’s pencil, measure and mark your rectangle.

Next, you will want to press your seams into place. For the bottom, finger press a 1/4" fold across the fabric and then press. Roll the fold over itself creating another 1/4" seam and press. For the top, finger press a 1/4" fold then press. Fold a 3/4" seam and press into place. Fold your skirt in half, matching up the lengths to make sure they are even, if they're not, make adjustments to your seams now. If they don't match up now, they won't in your finished skirt either.

Pin both of your seams into place. Sew a straight line over the bottom. For the top you can use a zigzag or straight stitch, but make sure that you get it as close to the edge as possible.

Now you are ready to add your elastic. To get the right length, cut it 1 1/2" shorter than the length of the waist. To easily feed it through your waistband, use a safety pin. This will give you something to pull and work through the fabric.

Once you get it in and before you remove the safety pin, use a zigzag stitch to secure the elastic to the end of the opening of the waistband. Sew your stitch all the way to the edge.

Now pull the remaining end out and secure it the same.

Fold the skirt in half, right side in so that the skirt is inside out. Secure the hem using pins. It's important to do this, even if it looks like it would be easy and you don't need pins. The reason is because as you sew, the fabric will stretch and move slightly, and this will cause your ends to not match up, so do not skip this process. Once you have it secure, sew a 1/4" seam. Finish the seam off by running a zigzag stitch across the edge to prevent fraying.

Turn your skirt right side out and you have the perfect festive skirt for your daughter’s holiday stash. I made my son a matching bow tie - tutorial coming!

My Stash of Materials

Awesome Holiday Fabric
1/2" Braided Elastic

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